Institutional Limited Partners Association
Cimarron Capital Partners

Institutional Partners

ILPA Delegation to Latin America: February 25 - March 1, 2013

Program Overview

In each country, delegates will meet in small intimate settings with key local players. The agenda will combine one-on-one meetings with formal presentations and panel discussions. Unlike a conference, the size of the group and the time allowed for each meeting will facilitate open dialogue and frank discussion between participants and each of the people invited to speak with them.

The general program in each country consists of the following elements:

  • Why Invest in this Country?
    An overview of the economic and political environment provided by senior level government officials, respected economists, and business leaders
  • Overview of Private Equity Landscape.
    Review of funds in the market, exits to date, legal framework for private equity, local due diligence tips, etc.
  • Meeting with Fund Managers.
    Opportunity to meet leading GPs through panel discussions and one on one meetings.
  • Dialogue with Local Investors.
    Intimate LP-only discussions with local institutional investors (pension funds and family offices)

Specific Agenda in each Country


